Song Lyrics

Click on the links below to see the following song lyrics:

Song Title                             Suggested Style

"Take us Away"                              Plaintive with a gospel style chorus

"Lady of the night"                          Upbeat with heavier rock middle 8

"Broken Strings"                              Ballad

"Devil Light"                                    Gothic Saturday Night fever (whatever that means!)

Although the lyrics do have melodies written for them, I would be interested to hear from anyone who would like to

collaborate on polishing the lyrics or writing fresh melodies with me.

Music Related Links

If you want some inexpensive CDs, Tapes, Vinyl records etc.,  check out CANNY MUSIC for a good selection.

Any budding songwriters out there should consider joining the International Songwriters Association (I've been one of their

less prolific members for donkey's years) or just have a look at the ISA Homepage.

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